Where Can I Find Out About First Time Buyer Mortgages?


If you are a first-time buyer looking for first time buyer mortgages, knowing what to do and where to turn is a daunting prospect for most first time buyers. And to be honest, getting a mortgage at any point is never the most exciting thing! For most (and understandably) they are excited about the house, not the finance!

First time buyer mortgages insight!

As the owner of an independent mortgage broker firm in the UK, I know there are a lot of first-time buyers who are confused and don’t know where to turn!

There is lots of information out there, but not all are good! I’ve written about various first-time buyer topics which you can find on our First Time Buyer Page. However, the key is to make sure you either seek advice from someone independent (even if it’s not us). It is that simple!

Oh, and to share with you an excellent platform for your research when looking for your perfect home. It’s called Property Insights and it’s an entirely different way of viewing property across the UK! We use it to look at trends and data across the whole UK property market, which is handy when we are working with clients across the country.

First time buyer mortgages & how a mortgage broker will help!

Now it’s easy for me to pitch the merits of someone independent versus going direct to a bank. But let me share with you a little story!

I had a lovely first-time buyer couple referred to us after six months of property hunting. They started their property journey by first speaking to their bank and advised how much they could borrow. The problem was they were only given the banks advice, and after looking for six months, they couldn’t find a property that was right for them.

We spoke to them, reviewed their income and looked at every lender (you might be surprised to learn, the amount you can borrow can vary hugely between lenders). We quickly established they could get significantly more than their bank had told them, and it was still affordable.

Within two weeks of being told this, they found their dream first home!

A first-time buyer mortgage broker can be your saviour!

Now I don’t need to teach anyone to suck eggs. However, hopefully, this, more than anything, illustrates the benefit of speaking to an independent mortgage broker. If you want to find out information about first time buyer mortgages, look no further. A bank will only ever be able to tell you what they can do! Why would you limit your information to one source?

Speaking to someone independent in effect means you are tapping into a much more comprehensive resource of information. But don’t forget, the independent advisor ultimately does not care which lender you use, they are concerned about you getting the best mortgage and the right advice.

I hope this helps you out and whatever specific question you have when you are going through the process, don’t be afraid to ask. A good advisor will help you every step of the way.

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